The Ingleson Group

The research group is headed by Professor Mike Ingleson and is based in the School of Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh

The research group is focused on using complexes based on earth abundant main group elements and 3d metals to develop new catalytic reactions, organic materials and stoichiometric transformations with a particular focus on C-B bond forming reactions. We have a particular interest in all things boron, spanning fundamental "esoteric" boron compounds, through to "applied" organoboron compounds e.g. intermediates for synthesis, emissive materials and APIs!

Latest Publication

VIP paper accepted in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

A Base-Free Two-Coordinate Oxoborane

Clement R. P. Millet, Dominic R. Willcox, Gary S. Nichol, Cate S. Anstöter, Michael Ingleson



Recent News

Nov. 2024. Welcome to Miriana who joins the group from Milan and Laura who joins from Leicester via Oz, and a sad goodbye to Clement who starts his industry job over in Glasgow. Good luck Clement, it was great working with you! Good timing to have the welcome/leaving social with a great meal had at Soul Vegan and fun drinks afterwards.

Nov. 2024. A busy month, two papers accepted, Clement and Dom's work in Angew Chem. as a VIP paper, see here for more. Also a paper collaborating with ex-group member Kang Yuan is accepted in Org. Lett. See here for more. 

Oct. 2024. Good luck to Dom who leaves the group to start his own independent academic career at Heriot-Watt University! 

Sept. 2024. Congrats to Nojus who passed his PhD. viva. Good luck with the PDRA position in Spain!

Sept. 2024. MJI speaks at the Beilstein Main group catalysis conference in Germany. A great focused meeting, great science and networking. 

Sept. 2024 Welcome to Ian who starts his MChem. project on catalytic C-H functionalization.

July. 2024 MJI speaks at the University of Vienna, thanks to Prof. Davide Bonifzai for hosting, and great to see ex-group member Josue again.

June 2024. MJI is awarded the Dalton mid-career prize: Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Prize, big social to come to celebrate and to thank the group for their massive contributions towards this! See here for more.

May 2024. Welcome to Taiki, he joins the group for three months from Yoichi Hoshimoto's lab in Osaka to work on borylation directed borylation. 

April 2024. The group's work on borylation directed borylation is highlighted in OPRD, nice to see industrial chemists are interested! See here for more. 

April 2024. The groups latest work (in collaboration with Macgregor, Thomas, Cowley and Dominey) on catalytic C-H zincation and alumination is accepted in Angew. Chem! Massive effort from Milan, Justyna et al. See here for the paper

March 2024. Congrats. to Dr. Emily Noone for passing her PhD. viva - well deserved! Much celebrations had, though too many tequilas... Thanks to Prof. Stephen Thomas and Dr Meera Mehta for their time and effort as examiners.

Feb. 2024. Congratulations to Shantaram for the award of a MSCA fellowship mentored by myself and Eli Zysman-Colman

Dec. 2023. Well done to Shantaram and the team for their work on borylation reduction borylation as a route to form dibenzofused 1,4-azaborines being published in Org. Lett. It's available open access here.

Dec. 2023. Welcome to Arnaud Osi who starts as a PDRA in the group working on making B containing organic materials in collaboration with Prof. Neil McKeown and Prof. Eli Zysman-Colman

Nov. 2023. A collaborative paper with the Garden group led by Jack Hughes on using NacNacZn-pyridonates for ROP is accepted into Dalton Trans. First paper of many for you Jack! Great outcome from the first year of your PhD. It's available open access here.

Oct. 2023. Anna and Clement turn on their artistic flair to create the back cover image for Chem. Sci. Nice job!

Oct. 2023. Congrats to Clement, Emily, Anna, Justyna, Gary and Jurgen, our latest work on Borylation directed Borylation is out now in Chemical Science. Its available open access here: paper

Sept. 2023. Welcome to Owen who joins the group for his final year project, and welcome to Anna who is starting her PhD. linked to the boron program grant, Boron: beyond the reagent (fancy website is here: Boron)